Social Design and REMAKE @ Design Festival Berlin 2014

Image: © TUTKI.

Berlin Design Week (26 May – 01 June) is about to end. Started in 2003 with Designmai, it is a city-wide varied and colourful programme of design events. It positions Berlin as an international creative hub, promoting designers from Germany and around the world, and local Berlin-based designers, institutions, galleries, makers and distributers. Berlin Design Week is supported by two lead events, The Berlin Design Night and The DMY International Design Festival Berlin.


The DMY International Design Festival showcases works by over 500 international and national designers, studios and universities at former Airport Berlin-Tempelhof. This year’s edition introduced The SOCIAL DESIGN FOCUS, a new social design platform. It showcases design drafts and products, and includes workshops and open talks addressing social issues such as human needs, development and sustainability.



REMAKE is a platform for exchanging knowledge and skills between experts, enthusiasts and thinkers who believe in DIY, Open Source and Makers culture. REMAKE gathers people with a background in creative, environment and IT industries as well as science to promote hands-on cooperation, exchange and education. (RE)THINKING SOCIAL DESIGN will re-think, through presentations, workshops, lectures and round-tables production and consumption systems, the ways we create, produce and use things.



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